Thursday, June 26, 2008

It's Moo's Real Life Fest............

My BFF found this cool new thing she wants to try and suggested I try too. It looks and sounds really cool, so why not. We are being instructed to take 5 pictures without prepping, primping or staging. Here is what I came up with.................................

The first picture is Curb Side Appeal......this is the view of our home from the curb. It's not a 5,000 sqf house, it doesn't have 6 bedrooms/bathrooms or even a pool in the backyard. But what it does have is a roof, heater, running water and most importantly a family that appreciates living in it.

This is my junk is really a mess. It's embarrassing to show this to the world but, here it is in all its glory. When something is missing-it's hiding here, when something doesn't have a home-it's stashed here, and when something is an odd or an end-it's in here.

This is my BLOGGING SPACE.....he-he. This is my desk. As you can tell by the picture it is used for more than a desk. It's the mail room, a hat stand, book shelf and sometimes lucky enough to hold dishes for the teenagers that don't want to get up and put them in the kitchen. My poor desk.

Next is my favorite piece of jewelry. I actually have three. One is my wedding ring, which is sitting in the jewelry box cause my finger is still fat to put it on from having a baby 17 months ago. The other is two bands that I had made a couple years ago to remind me of my sister. When my sister and I worked together she made me a photo album and on the last page it said "Sisters By Chance, Friends By Choice". For Christmas that year I had a band engraved with "Sisters By Chance" and gave it to her. For her birthday a couple months later I did another band engraved with "Friends By Choice". This was my way of showing her how cool I thought it was that she did that for me. I wanted her to know that I will never forget it. (Then I went and had them made for me as well so we could match!)

And here it is, the last one thing I was supposed to photograph, my best feature. Yep, you guessed it - MY EYES -........I guess that's really two though isn't it?! I had a hard time with this one cause I am not all that fond of my features and I wasn't sure what I could take a picture of and still have people return to this blog later.....he-he....just kidding. I whited out the rest of my face cause I couldn't get a good shot up close and I looked really silly.

Well, there you have it. I hope you enjoyed and will check back next week to see what fun things are going on, or any other time for that matter. Until we meet again..................


Dave Hahn said...

tee-hee. Nice eyes Moo. Nice blog page too. I see you figured it out. I assume the sister helped. She is a whiz.