Thursday, September 25, 2008

Working again................

I'm not sure what happened or where things went wrong but, they have. I have just started working for 2 companies. One is an internet book company and the other is the doctors office I have worked for my entire working life (13 years before I had Kenny). I am loving it and feel like I am on top of the world..........that's where the issue lies.

I feel like a contributing part of the family again. I feel like I am accomplishing so much now that I am earning a paycheck again. I'm not sure where things have gone wrong in this world but, I think it is crummy that I didn't feel like I was contributing enough by staying home and taking care of our youngest child. Family is, under God, the most important thing there is and here I am feeling like a failure because I am not getting a paycheck to do so.

I think it sucks that our worth is measured by our paychecks as opposed to OUR TRUE VALUE! I love my kids and husband and try and be a good person but, that isn't enough!

There, now ya know.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Lady in the Window....................... the BFF has challenged everyone to tell a ghost story. Mine isn't all that scary but, it is weird.

When I was about 9 or 10 we lived in a house in Thornton. I didn't like that house cause it always gave me a "not so good" feeling. I have always had crazy feelings about certain places. Some places I can't go because the feelings are so strong they make your tummy turn and the hair on your arms anyways, we lived in this house and it was creepy.

One day I was riding my bike outside up and down the street. There was no one home except me cause it was right after school. (Back in those days it was much safer for kids to be home by themselves or at least the dangers weren't publicly talked about so much.) As I was riding back up our hill I looked over at my bedroom window and saw an old lady standing in my window peeking out from behind the curtain watching me ride my bike. I had never seen her before and this was the only time that I would ever see her. I told my mom and she said she must have just been watching over me to make sure I didn't get hurt riding my bike in the street.

I don't tell many people that story cause they usually don't believe me but, since BFF said we had to share stories I figured it was time to bring out of the closet. Like I said, it's not that scary but, it was enough that I haven't forgotten it in 22 years.